ALS and Social Security disability benefits

ALS and Social Security disability benefits In December 2020, the ALS Disability Insurance Access Act was signed into law. This act allows individuals with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis to begin collecting their Social Security benefits without having to wait the five-month period. The waiting period is very familiar to those seeking Social Security disability benefits. SSD

Challenges of receiving SSD benefits

Americans who file for disability claims through the Social Security Administration (SSA) are denied more often than not during the initial stages of the application process. Once they go on to appeal the SSA’s decision, the process can be frustrating and lengthy. Out of the nearly four million residents of the state of Tennessee, approximately

Different types of disability insurance

Whether or not Tennessee residents realize it or not, disability is something that can happen to anyone, regardless of their age. In fact, one quarter of people currently 20 years of age will become disabled before reaching the retirement age of 65. Disability insurance can provide them with the safety net they need to ensure

How do I qualify for Social Security disability benefits?

Knowing how to qualify for Social Security disability benefits, and prepare a strong application for them, is essential for disabled individuals in need of the important benefits. There are different requirements disabled applicants must meet and demonstrate to qualify for Social Security disability (SSD) benefits that they should be aware of. Medical history requirements for

Appeals options for Social Security disability applicants

Being denied for Social Security disability (SSD) can be worrisome for disabled individuals. For that reason, it is important for disabled individuals to be familiar with the Social Security disability appeals process and how it may be able to help them. Request for reconsideration A request for reconsideration is the first step in the Social

What can I do if my application for SSDI benefits is denied?

Many, if not all, applications for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) are initially denied by the Social Security Administration (SSA). Instead of speculating on possible reasons for this decision, an unsuccessful applicant may be better advised to commence an appeal using the extensive appeal procedures provided by the SSA. The four levels of appeal The

What is the ‘Compassionate Allowances’ program?

When you suffer from a disabling injury or illness during your working years, you may be concerned not only about your health, but also how you will provide for your loved ones if your disability prevents you from returning to your job, or any other job for that matter. It is times like these that

5 things you should know about appealing a SSD denial

If you applied for Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits and were denied, you should know that you are not alone. This is actually what happens to most people. Only 23% of people are accepted on their initial application, according to one research report. Fortunately, the Social Security Administration (SSA) allows denied applicants to appeal. This

Anxiety sufferers may qualify for disability benefits

Does anxiety affect your day-to-day living? If so, then you know that it can place limitations on everything from your social interactions to your ability to work. As a result, just making ends meet can be a challenge, and so, too, can securing the medical treatment that you need. If you’re in this position, then

Social Security Disability benefits

Tennessee residents who become disabled and are unable to return to work may be eligible for Social Security Disability benefits. To qualify, claimants must have qualifying disabilities and have earned enough work credits over the course of their previous careers. They must also be unable to perform substantial, gainful activity because of their conditions. As

Date of onset is key in disability cases

People in Tennessee who have medical conditions that prevent them from working full-time jobs may have claims for disability benefits. These claims are filed with the Social Security Administration and may be available whether the condition is mental or physical in nature. Broadly speaking, there are two types of benefits that may be available for

What Causes Social Security Disability To Stop?

Social Security Disability benefits provide cash assistance to Tennesee residents who are no longer able to work because of health issues. The employee must meet the guidelines of the Social Security Administration to qualify for SSD. It is important to know how the benefits work, so the recipient does not risk losing their income. SSD

Working while receiving disability benefits

Individuals in Tennessee and throughout the country are allowed to work after applying for disability benefits. They are also allowed to work after they start to receive disability benefits. However, those who are working are not allowed to exceed the substantial gainful activity (SGA) threshold. This is because exceeding this amount generally indicates that a

Musculoskeletal conditions affect half of American adults

Of all the categories of disabilities affecting the American public, it appears that none are more common than musculoskeletal conditions like back pain, tendonitis and carpal tunnel syndrome. The World Health Organization estimates that one out of two adults in the U.S. has at least one musculoskeletal disorder. Think about that: half of all adults,

What can I spend my SSDI payments on?

Getting approval for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) can be a sigh of relief. That’s because completing the paperwork and evaluations can take a long time. However, now that you’ll be receiving payments, it’s crucial to use this money wisely. Do I have control over how I use this money? Once your checks kick in,

Will my disability payments stop because of the shutdown?

At this point, the federal government shutdown has lasted nearly two weeks. While many legislators are calling for it to end without President Trump being allocated money for his border wall, it’s unclear if this will occur. If you rely on the Medicaid, Medicare or Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits that you receive to cover

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) – New Rulings Issued

The Social Security Administration (SSA) recently released several new Social Security Rulings (SSRs) that apply to both Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) claims. The first two SSRs relate to the establishment of the onset of disability dates and replace SSR 83-20. SSR 18-01p and SSR 18-02p became effective as of